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8 things about... me?

I’ve been tagged. This time by Heidi Meeley

Here are the rules:
- Each player starts with eight random facts about themselves.
- Those who are tagged need to write their own blog about their eight facts and post these rules.
- At the end of the post, choose some people to get tagged and list their names.

1. I’ve been to Haiti… no, I wasn’t there for any kinda’ Vodoo stuff, but I bet it would have been a lot more interesting if I had gone there for that.

2. I was born without wisdom teeth. That’s right! No oral surgery for me.

3. I’ve been inside Dark Horse Comics Corporate office… twice!

4. Swinebread is a name I created long ago when I played the sequel to Sid Meier's Pirates!... Pirates! Gold

5. I did some acting on stage in my younger days.

6. The oldest comic I own is Airboy Comics v6 #11 from1949.

7. I secretly enjoyed the Smurfs when I was in jr. high

8. I worked as a cab driver for one night.

And thus I tag… Dean Wormer, Lady Bug, and Akronbey. I would tag overdroid but he can be kinda a dick about these sorta’ things... or maybe he's just really busy?


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