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Geek-Chic Zombie Couture

A broken camera forced me to re-think this entry. Hmmmm? Colin's comment on my first post reminded me to revisit the idea of what to wear to make your zombie gaming experience all the richer, so here goes.

With the popularity of zombies in entertainment growing faster than a re-make runner the opportunituies to show your Zombiephile status on your chest are growing rather favourably. There have always been the more obvious movie tie-in Tees, but here is a small selection that are more chic than geek. So, what are you waiting for? Get yer zomb on!

Andy's Gun Works from Nerdoh
Rule #2 - Absolute T-Shirts
Zombrex - Gamerprint
Nuka Cola - Gamerprint
Survival Kit - Teenormous
4 Player - Teenormous

Crossroads Mall - Teenormous

Girls Med Kit - Think Geek

Dead on You - Dusty Shirt
Zombie Hunter - Zazzle
Chainsaw - All Zombie Shirts
Shotgun - All Zombie Shirts
RE Shotguns - Stylin Online
RE Biohazard - Stylin Online
RE Umbrella Corp - Stylin Online
Go Frank! - Nift Shirts
Go check out these other awesome must-have Zombie T-Shirts.

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