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A hearty Good Morning from Sophie who starts her day in a particularly feisty mood. The water level in the stream has fallen a full six inches. The family princess carefully studies the stream and decides that it's still too dangerous. She retreats. All Polish Lowland girls  knows that you can never be too careful around fast moving water. Or, come to that, around any sort of water at all.

Intense irritation on the morning radio show that the Americans, and even worse, the Brits, are getting their Covid distribution act together. There is now talk of using the Russian vaccine here. This is somewhat alarming as there are no clinical trials available that would meet EU standards. Politicians seem intent on  covering up bad choices with even worse choices. Best comment so far has been a German apparatchik  saying that Europe was doing really well and beating Africa in the daily vaccine roll out. This was not reassuring.

What drives the radio presenters irritation is that folks are waking up to the fact that the economy is going to be in lockdown longer than anticipated. The all important summer tourist season looks set to be a disaster. You really don't want to be an incumbent during a pandemic.

The comical dog stands in the middle of the road as we head along the lane. The dog belongs to a young couple from Paris who have bought the rundown house by the edge of the wood. The young couple are very trendy as are their  4, 6 and 8 year old girls who may or may not be missing life in the big city. The wife has a 'radiant'  look to her that suggests they've been trying for a boy. How do you deal with child birth in a pandemic  ? This is a thought Angus keeps to himself. Comical dog says hello to Sophie who lets him know she has little if any time for his playful antics. Princess meets country boy.

Sophie returns to her spot in the dog car. She seems to have accepted this downgrade with good grace. Yesterday I tried to call the garage in Toulouse to find out what  kept it off the road for 10 weeks. We still don't know what the problem is/was. The receptionist said everyone was busy but they'd call back. Perhaps the Omerta will be broken today ?


On the radio this morning :https://youtu.be/MgaHy7DYs3g?t=38

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