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Raspberry Gratin

There has not been too much that I have tasted so far since Friday, my taste buds are shot and I can barely inhale any air through my nostrils...

Anyways on Friday I was made aware of a Smitten Kitchen recipe for something called a Raspberry Gratin, the pictures and comments sold me. I left early from work on Friday because I felt ill but still picked up the 3, that's right 3 ingredients. Come Saturday morning I was in a world of hurt but the kitchen still called my name and this can awaken your taste buds for sure.

INGREDIENTS (makes 1 dish to be split by 2 - use a small saucer)

1/2 cup of raspberries
1/2 cup of sour cream
1/2 cup brown sugar

Let's get our gratin on!


Raspberries & Sour cream, fold together - place brown sugar on top

Need pics?

Place under your broiler on the middle rack until sugar starts to caramelize, remove from oven & enjoy immediately!

It cracks open and reveals a creamy inside, mine was decadent and tasty -

Here is the link to the original recipe :

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