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An Expensive Lunch

There was a time when I was crazy about steaks. I think it was my brother's influence. When he was obsessing about ramen, so was I. 

And then came steaks. The search for that perfect steak. Which resulted in huge dents to my budget. But as I have emphasized many times before, I wear selipar Jepun and I have the audacity to carry an RM18.00 handbag. So my money has to go somewhere.

This lunch happened last year, I think. I did not blog about it then because it was not a good experience due to (1) the entree cost me RM95.00 and (2) it did not meet my expectations.

Where is this place? OK, it was here. There are two steak dishes on the menu. Sorry I can't remember the name.

My RM95.00 lunch. Australian grass fed beef. I requested for the steak to be done medium rare.

It was a rather thin piece of steak.

OK, slightly pink. But this was not a great meal. Which is why I have stopped looking for that restaurant that serves great steaks.

The only way to assure oneself of a good steak, cook it yourself.

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