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Enchanted in The Moonlight: Sub Story: A Poem From Kiryu

i feel like i've been buying a lot of kiryu's sub stories.. LOL I LOVE KIRYU HE'S MY NUMBER 1 IN EITML ;___; anyways, this was just a cute story about how they just wanna spend time together, time, TIME IS THE KEY WORD. that's really all i should say, cause i hate spoiling shit these days for people when it comes to these stories, bc tbh it's honestly worth the buy & also please buy to support the company because if you buy too then they will come out with more stories! no i'm not sponsored.. i wish.. LOL anyways that CG tho... *0* rough smut eh kiryu? actually i really like how EITML has a lot of smut tbh AHAH PROBABLY WHY I'VE STUCK TO THIS APP THIS LONG, aside from the fantasy story & such being pretty interesting.

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