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Celebrate memories revisited

This week I have been going through some photo files and trying to tidy them up. It was fun to wander through the memories and I thought I would share one or two that might be of interest here. Living in Cornwall I am lucky enough to have access to many wonderful examples of standing stones and ancient sites. I hope you enjoy this small sample.

I took these a couple of years ago. I just loved the way the horses were wandering around the standing stones. The picture is of Lanyon Quoit, not far from St. Ives.The original structure is thought to date to the Neolithic period (3500-2500BC). It is believed that Lanyon, and other similar quoits, were used as ritual funeral sites.
The Men-an-tol (holed stone) dates to the Bronze Age. Various stories surround this unusual stone and it has been said to have healing powers, particularly if you pass through the stone. The hole in the centre is produced by natural weathering.

If you are interested in seeing some amazing pictures and finding out more about these and other fascinating stones click HERE

The final picture was taken on moorland near Lands End. The colour of the heather is just beautiful. And of course quite purple!

Two lovely ladies nominated me for blog awards this week.  Yvonne for the Creative Blogger award.

And Deanie Humphrys-Dunne for the Encouraging Thunder award.
For this I have to share 5 facts about me.
* I enjoy yoga, it helps with a knee problem I have had. I am quite proud of the fact I can stand on my head!
* I dislike coffee but love a nice cup of tea.
*I love cats and horses and unicorns.
*Five years ago I renewed my wedding vows with Elvis in Vegas
* In case there was still any doubt ... I love the colour purple!

What you can do with Encouraging Thunder Award:
Post it on your blog
Grant other bloggers with the award

What you can't do with the award:
Abuse or misuse the logo
Claim that it's your own handmade logo

What you should do after receiving the award:
Enjoy the award!
Thank via comments or mention the blogger who gave you the award

No questions or complicated rules. It's acknowledgement  for those who support and encourage

Thank you both so much for thinking about me. I'd like to nominate  Lexa and L.G. Keltner @ Writing Off The Edge for all their weekly support with the Celebrate the Small Things Hop!

Happy Weekend 

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