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Dark Eldar Reaver Squadron

"The wind whipping across your face as your blades whip across the throats of the foe. It makes the blood sing."

This was a long but enjoyable process painting 9 bikes at the same time but now I have finally finished  9 Reavers for my Dark Eldar Wych Cult of Red Death. 

I airbrushed and handpainted the Figures, Bases and Bikes and OSL Exhausts all separately then put them together in the last step. I replicated the same Paint Scheme I use on my Razorwing Fighters Seen HERE

Also, earlier this week I posted a tutorial on how I painted the OSL Jet Exhausts HERE

Overall I'm very pleased with how they came out and I can't wait to field them in my next game!

Unpainted Pictures can be seen HERE

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